

Besiktas Shipping and Alba Tankers have over the years developed a close relationship. And we are proud to announce that, we have a new partnership agreement and become a shareholder in Alba Tankers Sweden AB. We wish this new partnership will further strengthen our presence in the Baltic Sea and North Europe.

Date : 01/01/2020

The Besiktas Shipping Group Seminar held in Perpa Ticaret Merkezi in Istanbul focused around the conclusions about how more communications and cooperation is needed to develop and enhance the excisting training methodolgy in order to bring it to new levels, and to train officers how to operate them. Delegates came from each part of Turkey , to attend the event, held in İstanbul between 11 to 13 June. A total of 53 attendees represented crew,office staff and the industry group.

Capt. Adil Kamil OZKAN,Fleet Manager , Besiktas Group Capt. A. Kamil OZKAN , Fleet Manager ; outlined the Management Review, Company Philosphy and strong and weakness point of the fleet in the past .

Mr. Filippo Ferrari shared Investigation Techniques of Claims by P.L. Ferrari & Co. Capt. Captain Neil Hunt; Marine Employee Learning and Development Superintendent from Chevron Shipping, presented Bridge Team Management and presented a small video about Chevron Shipping Training Facility at Glasgow.

To download full document, click here.

Date : 13/06/2015

News News

The Besiktas Shipping Group Seminar held in Perpa Ticaret Merkezi in Istanbul¬ focused around the conclusions about how more communications and co-operation is needed to develop and enhance the excisting training methodolgy in order to bring it to new levels, and to train officers how to operate them.

Delegates came from each part of Turkey , to attend the event, held in İstanbul between 29 to 31 May. A total of 60 attendees represented crew,office staff and the industry group.

Besiktas Shipping has always been highly motivated by the increasing standards of the tanker industry, Besiktas Shipping is organized as the strong member of tanker shipping in terms of Safety & Quality.

Capt. A. Kamil OZKAN, Fleet Manager; outlined the Management Review, Company Philosphy and strong and weakness point of the fleet in the past.

To download full document, click here.

Date : 29/05/2014


Besiktas Shipping had bought MT Besiktas Iceland (Imo:9395367, Oil/Chemical Tanker, Ice Class IA, 7700dwt, Malta flag) on 6th Dec 2013.

MT Besiktas Iceland is built in Karadeniz Shipyard, Ünye/Ordu, TURKEY on 21st Agu 2007. She has Malta flag and manned with Turkish crew.

Date : 06/12/2013


BP hold us in high honour by presenting “Outstanding Safety Achievement-2012”

This is the result of our managing 2 BP tanker vessels (MT Anatolia Sky & MT Anatolia Star) in Turkish Coastal Waters during 5 years, totally 1500 voyages, with high safety & operational performance.

We thank all our crew for their rewarding efforts.

Date : 06/11/2013

News News

MT Besiktas GH had been built in BESIKTAS SHIPYARD; Yalova/TURKEY and delivered 26th July.2013

MT Besiktas GH (Imo:9654971, 9200dwt, Malta flag, with 2 main engines & total power 4080kw) is Semi-refrigirated Liquified Gas Carrier.

She is under technical management of Bernhard Schulte Ship Management, Singapore with EU crew & trading in Mediterranean Sea.

She is under commercial management of Gaschem- Gasmare LPG / Ethylene pool and she is chartered to ENI of Italy.

MT Besiktas GH is owned by Galata Gas Shipping which is 75 pct Besiktas Shipping & 25 pct Gas and Heat joint venture.

Date : 26/07/2013